Cosmetic surgery Is the subspecialty of plastic surgery which deals with reshaping of parts of body that aims to improve the persons appearance.
Liposuction is a procedure that removes fat from areas of body like abdomen, hips, thigs and
buttocks using an advanced suction technique.
Is a surgical procedure for reshaping the abdomen by removal of excess fat along with redundant
skin leaving behind a relatively flat abdomen.
Cosmetic surgeries of the face for restoring the youthful appearance.
Cosmetic procedure to reduce the sagging of folds of skin particularly on cheeks and jaw
Cosmetic procedure for restoring the youthful appearance of the eyes by repair of droopy eyelids.
Procedure to restore the youthful look of breasts by reducing the sagging of breasts by
modifying the size contour and elevation of breasts.
Increase in the size of breast as per the desire of patients by insertion of silicon breast
implants or fat from patients own body (auto fat grafting)
Cosmetic nose surgery for improving the shape of nose for small nose, depressed nose, large nose
or deviated nose.
Removing a very thin layer of skin to decrease the depth of scars and improve the appearance of
skin using either laser or dermabrader.
Restoration of aesthetic appearance of face by removal of moles, birth marks, warts using laser
or plastic surgery
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